"S" as strange

Strange, stranger, these two words have a different look ("air" in French) and a similar look in the same time.
Strange is all that seems to be stranger (foreign) to the rational things, to the concrete reality, all that opens the access to imaginary and poesy. I think we all of us need to "frequent" the strange. It is a security exit in our stressing lives.
Useless to look for him. Because he is a fanciful one, he may sometimes appear in our thoughts by the way of singular pictures as "Kill time", sea sinkings, "dances of planets", interferences of visions, transfigured nights... In a word he friendly comes and sees us if we are able to stimulate our imagination and our souvenirs idealized by this latest.
Unfortunately some individuals, taking profit of credulity of their owns, pollute the world of strange... They disguise him in order to take pleasure to frighten and make believe what doesn't exist. To be fair would mean to admit that strange supposes fields - scientific - which are outside our knowledge  - religious - which belong to faith.
Likewise the strange, I hardly open a door, about the discussion science versus religion, that I refuse to close. I leave choice to each one to continue or not continue this discussion...
(copyright Jean-Michel Cagnon)