
  • Animals

    Shall I tell you? I do not like animals very much. They can draw from my inspiration some interesting pictures with their expressionless head, their far away looking eyes (except dogs sometimes), but all of this is not very consequential.I admit there are domestic animals that can eventually be friendly fellows, more than many others. As this gutter-cat, presently passed away, for which my children and my wife expressed a kind of love formerly. Me too (a little), influenced by my family.Finally, our "inferior brothers" stay as incomprehensible as a computer because of their unexpected attitudes. Moreover, as regards animals, because of sometimes their disappointing aggressivity. Effectively I have never seen a computer getting the same bad temper.In short ones and others - animals and computing equipments - are really extraterrestrial beings. I mean they have a common characteristic : they have difficulties to be understood. Besides we can have the feeling they have begun to mix when we hear terms like "mouse" or "chat" (cat in French) whereas people speak about data processing !(copyright Jean-Michel Cagnon)

  • Religious architectures

    What is remarkable at the first glance is harmony and audacity of the curves. Our eye enjoys to follow the lines of the constituents of the edifice which incite to meditation and silence. Absolutely yes, we can make silence inside us among a mob who walks in a church. Entering a religious edifice means beginning a brief stage, a short in time retreat, a break with outside bedlam. Do we believe? Don't we believe? Sincerely who is able to definitively answer this question? The main thing is to make a pause with oneself and intuitively feel we perhaps are at the threshold of something else, elsewhere... I add nothing. One's own experience for each of us. Nevertheless I remain persuaded that the limits of our universe will be destroyed a day... likewise the ruins of an abbey continue testifying a past life, which is perpetuated elsewhere, in another way. It is to admit indeed taht only the catholic or orthodox buildings suggest these thoughts. The protestant churches show a simplicity bound to History, that besides I entirely understand. It also is true that we can criticize an overabundance in some cathedrals, going until make us forget the main things. But when in that field, a happy medium can be found, whatever in a country church or in a huge basilica, then magic happens provided to be available to this approach.(copyright Jean-Michel Cagnon)

  • Country

    It will be said that, because of my pessimism, I'm still prevented from utterly enjoying the beauties which life accepts to give us sometimes. Most of pictures which you're going to see show an idealized country. In fact it's because of my roving photographer's investigation. I'm used to watch over, walking or standing; to select or take profit of the best lighting possible; to analyse the view angle in order to highlight the harmonious shape of branches or mountains; to introduce a personage in a wide landscape in order to bring a sensation of life...By the way, let's speak of life : our present countries often are empty of any rural people, farm animals, noises and rumours of agricultural activities. People don't walk any more. Only, the wandering dogs bother the tripper. It's a pity indeed. Even so, however we shouldn't be incited - shall I remember it - to idealize a past mainly made of a hard, very hard life. The magnificence of autumnal foliage did not compensate the rigour of snowy winters. Yesterday it did not compensate the absence of tap water or disquiets about subsistence. Today it does neither compensate isolation nor solves the problems of preservation of an activity.Nevertheless how beautiful the country is...(copyright Jean-Michel Cagnon)

  • Musical creators

    The visitors who often read "A Fantastic Life" will have guessed that the author of the present text does like music, particularly classic music. I will tell no more about that subject, my motivations, my preferences, having already done it formerly. Everyone will have too noticed that some of my pictures - drawings or photos - are inspired from musical works. The folowing rough draughts thus are a modest homage to the artistic creators - composers and performers - without whom our daily life would actually be colourless. Except Jean Ferrat appearing in the album "The sea", I have not yet drawn any representative of songs or other musics. Well, leaves for me additional drawings to make... (copyright Jean-Michel Cagnon - January 2014) PS : Horizontal lines may appear in some drawings. They were printed on the paper I was obliged to use. I would have loved to do without them.

  • Places and men

    In a way, places just as men (and women) could equally be concerned. The first likewise the second ones print their personality in you more or less. Choice for each of us to accept or not that influence. They forever leave a souvenir of their passage through your life. Positively or negatively, and this independently of the duration of their attendance.Positively : it is the smile of an unknown woman met in the street whom you will never see again, it is wisdom emerging from a confidential conversation, it is peace inspired by harmony of a landscape...Negatively : it is the truly wicked speech shot by a person whose consequent hurt forever remains in you, it is resentment following a fight, it is the refusal of a dis-pleasant or hostile sight... There also are places and human beings that don't impress you because of their insipidity.There may be reciprocity : each of us may leave an influence on others. As to the places, we project on them emotions or sensations coming from their vision. Thus there is an exchange, as much with human beings as physical places or material things. So much so that somebody (Alphonse de Lamartine) one day laid the question "Inanimate objects, haven't you a spirit in fact?"(Copyright Jean-Michel Cagnon)

  • "S" as strange

    Strange, stranger, these two words have a different look ("air" in French) and a similar look in the same time.Strange is all that seems to be stranger (foreign) to the rational things, to the concrete reality, all that opens the access to imaginary and poesy. I think we all of us need to "frequent" the strange. It is a security exit in our stressing lives.Useless to look for him. Because he is a fanciful one, he may sometimes appear in our thoughts by the way of singular pictures as "Kill time", sea sinkings, "dances of planets", interferences of visions, transfigured nights... In a word he friendly comes and sees us if we are able to stimulate our imagination and our souvenirs idealized by this latest.Unfortunately some individuals, taking profit of credulity of their owns, pollute the world of strange... They disguise him in order to take pleasure to frighten and make believe what doesn't exist. To be fair would mean to admit that strange supposes fields - scientific - which are outside our knowledge  - religious - which belong to faith.Likewise the strange, I hardly open a door, about the discussion science versus religion, that I refuse to close. I leave choice to each one to continue or not continue this discussion...(copyright Jean-Michel Cagnon)

  • "F" as Feminine and Flower

    Fortunately beauty and gentleness exist in our world governed by brutality...The flowers go through Earth, giving it a harmonious equilibrium.The flowers go through our life, giving it the ability to be bearable.From the flower to the woman the poet takes the plunge.I'm not a poet.The flower appears to me sometimes prickly but it remains so beautiful !Contrary to a famous singer's proclamation, the woman does not still represent the future of the man. However besides her prettiness she possesses unequalled heart and courage qualities.That's why, without one and other, we couldn't live...(copyright Jean-Michel Cagnon)

  • General News

    No ! it's not about the trivialities found in the daily papers, "filler items" as it is currently said. This page aims at being the collection of a few private pictures which make the canvas of our existence and may tell modest events intensively felt. It will too be possible to find symbolic views tending to think about our human condition, this without desiring to take risks of losing one's head !In fact, it is general news of our life of which Maupassant declared "it is neither so good nor so bad as we think".(copyright Jean-Michel Cagnon)

  • Drawing Shapes

    Light ! I'm drawing in your honour : that's a pompous way indeed to explain the word "photography".Every techniques of figurative picture - drawing, painting - try to reproduce real things with more or less realism. This latest should not be an absolute aim. You had better avoid it, because you would take a risk to obtain a rigorously exact sight of the model. Without any sensibility. Through his work, the artist's emotion must be discreetly expressed, in order to begin an exchange of points of view with the spectator and have a personal sensation from him, by return. Exciting visitor's imagination, what more remarkable?Whatever its nature - figurative or abstract - any worthy picture should reply to this exigency. One and other use clever means, as structural solidity, elegantly drawn architectural lines, subtle contracts of greys or colours, in short the graphic shape.Graphic shape created by the author. Or suggested by the characteristics of the model : a lighting against the sun, a snowy landscape, a proximity of shadows and illuminations, a slim subject, and so on... In that second case, there is a mute accordance between the creator and his model...(copyright Jean-Michel Cagnon)

  • Humour

    Sometimes, joking, it happens to me to declare that a home without books is a woman without her make-up... I could add : a life without humour.I could bring some elegance by precising that a charming feminine face (they are many) can quite do without a paint. But that's another subject.Concerning humour, that one represents this splendid ability of the man to laugh at stupidities of his condition. It may apply to everything, important or not. In a certain way it allows to lessen anger, without even so taking away completely criticism or souvenir of a displeasing event.In fact, I remain fascinated by the infinite imagination of the professionals working in humoristic drawings and comic strips. Every time I wonder ; "How do they make to invent all those jokes?".  (copyright Jean-Michel Cagnon)

  • The Sea

    "The sea watched dancing along luminous shores is a silver mirror..." (Charles Trenet). "Tell me the sea, the blue and the green which dance among the waves..." (Jean Ferrat). "My Mediterranean... oh my Mediterranean sea..." (Herbert Pagani too early passed away). "And I remain for a long time observing the sea..." (Alain Barrière). They are innumerable all those who have sung the infinite and fascinating faces of the marine universe. What life, so different from ours, does the ocean hide? How could we explain the magic suggested by it? Friendly sea? Not every time ! A few decades ago, when they lived, this subject was surely evoked in other words by the surviving shipwrecked persons of SS Titanic ! Moreover Victor Hugo presents us the sea as a terrifying element which men must fight to earn their food, even losing their life sometimes... The sea revealed its charm and its cruelty when one day it decided to keep forever François de Roubaix, a composer and... an experienced scuba diver. However it shows an attractive smile whereas it also evokes "holidays" and whispers to our children's ears "sand castles", "baths", "infinite freedom", "family resting on the sand", "first love"... Yes of course, remove the sea thus remove life. That's why, in spite of its moods and thanks to its favours, we should respect it... (copyright Jean-Michel Cagnon).

  • The Mountain

    The mountains are the wrinkles of Earth. Huge for men. Insignificant with regard to cosmos. Seen from very far, our planet shows its cracks less than an orange makes appear its peel texture.Mountain is beautiful, I'm not the first to declare that. Not content with testifying the geological past of our globe, it brings to it the infinite variety of its landscapes, from the modest hill to the lofty peaks which meet the sky. Can we imagine to live on an utterly  flat and glum sphere?I admit to feel a preference for the low or mid mountain ranges, which don't oppress me like their big sisters. I'm not either the first to evoke a similarity between the terrestrial and feminine curves : in both cases harmony and charm dominate, likewise the changes of temper.In both cases too, when feeling aesthetic emotion, we are incited to desire immortalizing the artistic views and the round designs of "lady nature". At the risk of shocking some people, I should even suggest that the watercolour or the drawing of a landscape, onsite, when thought hard, is an ecstatic union. Once we have become calm again, we realize that we never completely possess the other. So much the better !(copyright Jean-Michel Cagnon)

  • Night

    Using a double meaning of the French word "nuit" ("night" and "is harmful"), the comic joker Raymond Devos said : "Se coucher tard nuit". That could be translated : "Going to bed late nightly is naughty". In fact that's not true for everybody. If it is unusual, going to bed late is profitable. We can feel that early sleeping shortens our life.Night is this marvellous step of the day where our nerves cease being solicited, our spirit is available for everything else far from daily triviality, impossible things and the maddest dreams become possible. Of course, addition of these leads us to the feast, its colours, its illuminations, its enjoyments, its joy although... the story of the sad clown is not false.After-all, let's be realistic, night also can be distressing when the sick man feels his pain (physically or mentally) increases with darkness. So we have to moderate. Likewise Rameau in his famous "Hymne à la nuit" (Night Song), when it's possible, we should have to appreciate the calm glamorous mystery and smoothness of shadow surrounding the night. (copyright Jean-Michel Cagnon)

  • The City

    There is the man, then his clothes, then his house. The latest two represent his first and his second protection. The city is the collection of the second covers of the human beings.The city reflects the existences of the persons - from past and of present - who have built it and live inside. I don't mean that an ugly city characterizes its inhabitants, no more than individuals who reside in a pretty town are necessarily honest people.I merely suggest that the buildings and their organization, their conditions of preservation testify more or less happy times of the cities. They also give information about priority granted to arts, trade, industry...Besides the word "city" remains indefinite in its meaning for it may name a big metropolis or a borough, so called by the inhabitants of the neighbour village.At last it is to notice that, likewise a human being, we can love or hate a city according to our vision of it or the circumstances of our rendezvous with it. For example, as regards me personally and Paris, the capital of the cities, my relations have been so variable. The visitor will realize, reading my texts of different dates.Consequently the city could be qualified "living entity", what explains why the poets have adulated or cursed it. Is the city the amplifier of our positive and negative sensations?(copyright Jean-Michel Cagnon)

  • The Trees

    The Good Lord has created the trees so that men can lean on them when they are tired. He has too thought that trees would supply shadow beyond, in order to spare human beings from sun heat. He said to the man : "You will earn your bread by hard working and sweating". Then, magnanimous, He added : "Resting a few minutes under an oak, you will have to sweat less however". Creating the tree, God realized it could be useful for more other things :- wood for firing when time of sweating is over, to build roofs and ships.- branch to faggot and tie, to climb and watch.- bark to tan, to attend illness, to make wine corks. - flower to entertain our eyes.- fruit to entertain our stomachs.- leaf to purify air whereas it lives, to improve ground whereas it dies.The tree is like God on earth. In fact, does not a tree seem like a big hand that protects? (copyright Jean-Michel Cagnon)

  • The Trains

    The steam locomotives are not dead; they have gone to make their most wonderful trip : that of souvenir... Souvenirs, souvenirs (as Johnny Hallyday sang)... I have been alive for more than 60 years and many things have changed. For instance the trains. Not better. They have become common and insipid... They run faster but don't still arrive by the hour. In the stations it 's often heard : "Kindly apologize us for our delââây !". OK stop, let's change course and speak of the good things concerning the trains. I'm in Paris in the 50s, on a road bridge over a truly large railways place.Here and there a few courageous steam engines, proud and haughty. Can I recognize a Mountain P 241 nearly as high-performance as an electric engine? Maybe I'll have the opportunity to watch close to me the unique Baltic 232 U1, built by the engineer Marc de Caso, or more again the extraordinary Niagara 242 A1, the most powerful machine in Europe (6000 HP), the masterpiece of the great thermodynamicist André Chapelon?I also perceive some modest diesel engines pulling tandem because of their restricted strength. At last, here are the fabulous electric engines, magnificent symbols of the modernism, but discreet in spite of their admitted power.All those locomotives are the honourable ancestors of the present trains, surely less poetic for me, but famous makers of dreams for the children of today.(copyright Jean-Michel Cagnon)

  • Morocco 2009

    Thirty years... even a bit more than thirty years I had not set foot in Morocco, the land of my childhood.2009 : I have gone back... way back thanks to a Tour-Operator...I had personally thought of it and expected to very much change. My country is not my country. It goes on its life and so do I on my side.However we have recognized each other. I shall always remember that first night. Landing on the tarmac of Marrakech. A blow of hot african air as soon as getting off the jet. A pleasant hotel with its swimming pool where bathers were enjoying. Inconceivable in France on November...Way back to Rabat... the street of my home... the inhabitants of our flat remembered Cagnon family. Incredible but actually true.Visit of Meknès and Fès, the other two imperial cities... typical architectural heritage of Orient, with a characterized personality of each town.In fact, one thousand and one visions of Orient, one thousand and one smells, one thousand and one rumours, one thousand and one souvenirs which friendly shake you. Of course, it's not paradise (it doesn't exist down here) : poverty, shanty towns, children compelled to work, OK stop it.But improvement also progressively appears : the statute of women, birth of a bourgeoisie which did not exist during my young years, expression freedom, intensified schooling in the cities likewise the country, OK I can't enumerate everything...And all above of that, we were granted a remarkable thoughtful guide, objectively telling his country without plunging in the postal card cliché...Misfortune, I had worn a defective camera with some problems concerning light tightness of the body. Many missed photos because of the overexposed film. Then however I have kept them. Besides, thanks to pictures registered in my brain, I have made the herewith drawings that I gladly share with you.(copyright Jean-Michel Cagnon)

  • "L" as Loneliness

    ... and finally each of us is still alone. Yes of course, and on the whole it's not the worst.Some of us particularly the lovers, slaves of the love at first sight, dream a fusional condition (one plus one equal one). That's an illusion only. Loneliness can't be separated from our human condition.. Without it, it is totally impossible to be a person who is able to voluntarily choose. Taking account of course of our radius of action.. For, if we are actually alone, we are not on the other hand absolutely free. A child, although reassured and excessively coddled, remains alone. As soon as possible he must fight his fears and his frustrations. It's never as marvellous as he could wish. Consequently all of us, we look for the others. To feel better, to forget oneself and take care of the neighbour ones, perhaps love them. By this way we break isolation and we lessen loneliness. In fact that loneliness is profitable for it deeply stimulates us and allows to actually live our life. I joyfully and consciously feel I've got a body and a spirit, I'm able to enjoy my choices (smell a recently gathered flower or leave to America). But I also sadly and consciously feel I have to fight my interior devils. White and black are the "domino" of our life... (copyright Jean-Michel Cagnon)