Musical creators

The visitors who often read "A Fantastic Life" will have guessed that the author of the present text does like music, particularly classic music. I will tell no more about that subject, my motivations, my preferences, having already done it formerly.
Everyone will have too noticed that some of my pictures - drawings or photos - are inspired from musical works. The folowing rough draughts thus are a modest homage to the artistic creators - composers and performers - without whom our daily life would actually be colourless.
Except Jean Ferrat appearing in the album "The sea", I have not yet drawn any representative of songs or other musics. Well, leaves for me additional drawings to make...

(copyright Jean-Michel Cagnon - January 2014)

PS : Horizontal lines may appear in some drawings. They were printed on the paper I was obliged to use. I would have loved to do without them.